Felix ClubRestaurant

To see and to be seen

The “Erlebnis Felix” amazes with its unique combination of restaurant, night club and this very special ambient appealing to all the senses.

The bar at the upper level and the dance floor at the heart of the location are connected through an impressive flight of stairs. Going down, the guest experiences the whole atmosphere that radiates warmths and coziness. The color design is very aesthetic, bright and fascinating light effects turn this location into something very special.

Comfortable lounge furniture and a lavish bar invite you to enjoy a sparkling drink while celebrating on the highest level.

Depending on your individual requirements the visual appearance as well as the location’s size can be adapted. Your guests can expect an experienced service team that will fulfill all your wishes. The menu presents “Metropolitan Food” – a contemporary kitchen that promises gastronomic delights.

The Felix ClubRestaurant is a place where you want to see and want to be seen in its vibrant club atmosphere.

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